How To: Submit a thesis or dissertation to cIRcle
Photo courtesy: Don Erhardt / UBC Brand & Marketing As UBC’s research repository, cIRcle hosts all UBC theses and dissertations. Any UBC Vancouver Graduate students who are preparing to submit their thesis or dissertation to cIRcle should refer to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office’s Final Submission Instructions prior to starting a cIRcle submission […]
Announcing the new cIRcle License 3.0!
Photo courtesy: Unsplash It’s now easier than ever to deposit work to cIRcle with the new cIRcle Non-exclusive Distribution License (Version 3.0). As of November 16, 2021, the cIRcle License includes terms for consent to use of image and audiovisual recordings making the cIRcle Submission Form the one link you need to guarantee open access […]
cIRcle Impact & Activity Report 2020-2021
The cIRcle team is happy to announce the release of our 2020-2021 Impact and Activity Report! 2020-2021 was a year of unexpected challenges and new opportunities that highlighted the importance of open access to research. Early this Spring, cIRcle celebrated passing the 74,000 open access item mark and attracted nearly 1.5 million visits via […]
cIRcle Impact & Activity Report 2019-2020
We are excited to share cIRcle’s Impact and Activity Report for 2019-2020! 2019-2020 was a year of milestones for cIRcle, UBC’s Research Repository. Early this spring, cIRcle celebrated passing the 70,000 open access item mark. This year also saw more than one million visitors to cIRcle content via the UBC Open Collections site. cIRcle […]
We’re still open!
We’re still open! We are committed to helping our UBC community make their research openly available to the world via our digital repository, cIRcle. However, we will be reducing our response time for non-urgent requests to 7-10 business days as we transition to remote work. We will continue to review and deposit theses and dissertations […]