UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Early french immersion primary students and the development of information literacy skills through individual library research projects Malo, Dorothy Anne


Recent research in teacher-librarianship focuses on the necessity of ensuring that students become Information literate through the skills development programs provided by teacherlibrarians regardless of the language of classroom instruction. Hence, this study chose to focus on one specific student population: Early French Immersion Primary students and to assist bilingual teacher-librarians and classroom teachers to overcome the difficulties which appeared specific to their programme. Over a period of a year, students were observed and data were collected as students progressed through the stages (note-taking, sentence/paragraph composition and final product) of three separate individual library research projects. Collected data included teacher journals, the students' written products, and audio cassette recordings and written transcriptions of student responses to survey questionnaires. These data were examined in order to determine the common difficulties that Early French Immersion Primary students experience during the initial development of their information literacy skills, and further, to design teaching practices which may improve student success. Data analysis revealed that the note-taking task was the most difficult for the students and that this could be attributed to the advanced level of readability of available resource materials.

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