UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Measuring experience, language ability, cross-cultural adaptability and intercultural business negotiation performance Karkut, David Michael


In this study, performance in the speech event of negotiation was used to investigate the validity of using experiential, linguistic, and psychological/affective/cognitive assessment instruments for training or selecting candidates for intercultural business negotiation between Canadians and Koreans. Instruments used were: background questionnaire, TOEIC scores, and CCAI scores. The participants were 12 businesspeople from Korea and 12 commerce students from Canada. After the bargaining session, each person completed a questionnaire. The negotiation outcome variables considered were source's relative monetary performance and target's relative satisfaction with the negotiation, including process and end-deal aspects. Case analysis suggests that individual experience and middle-to-high TOEIC scores have no significant correlation with either type of performance. Three subsections of the individual CCAI scores were associated with partner satisfaction, but not with monetary performance. Analysis of combined dyadic data revealed strong negative correlation between pair CCAI scores and negotiated endprice. Positive correlation was shown between pair CCAI scores and mutual satisfaction.

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