UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Deformation under the constant stress state and its effect on stress-strain behaviour of Fraser River Sand Shozen, Takahiro


This study was carried out to improve our understanding of the behaviour of Fraser River Sand during and after ageing The main objectives of this study are (a) the effects of ageing time under constant stress state on the stiffness of sand and (b) the effects of stress path during subsequent shear. Identical soil samples were aged under constant stresses for 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 minutes prior to shear along a variety of stress paths. The effects of the levels of confining stress and initial effective stress ratio on changes in stiffness due to ageing under a given stress path were also investigated. The effect of ageing time is recognized regardless of the condition applied under the triaxial test. The magnitude of the considerable increase occurs in shear modulus with increased holding duration. In addition, this increase becomes more significant when the ageing stress ratio is higher. Also, the ageing time effect seems to remain only within a small strain. The effects of applied stress paths are also observed. However, this effect is strongly dependant on the initial stress ratios.

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