UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Design and evaluation of a high performance multipriority multicast ATM and IP switch Chu, Joseph


Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Internal Protocol (IP) are two commonly used protocols for the demands of high speed networking technology. The switching technologies employed in ATM cell and IP packet switches have seen extensively researched and studied in recent years. However, most of the switches developed have room for improvement in performance and cost-efficiency. Furthermore, most switching research is based on uniform incoming cell/packet traffic, which is very different from real time traffic. Real time traffic is not only bursty, but also involves multiple classes of prioritized traffic, as well as multicast traffic. In this thesis, a high performance A TM and IP switch architecture is introduced. The switching architecture is based on two existing technologies namely Random Early Detection (RED), and the internal buffer. Simulation results show that with a little modification of these schemes, a switch can perform extremely well under many kinds of real time traffic patterns, including multi-priority and multicast. In addition, the proposed switching architecture shows that cell loss ratio can be arbitrarily reduced using a finite internal buffer size.

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