British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium

Potash tails pile field test covers Haug, Moir D; Wong, L. C.; Reid, K. W.


A field test program was established to examine potential potash tails cover materials and investigate the requirements of such covers. Potash tails consist of soluble salts and a small percentage of insolubles. Precipitation falling on these tails dissolves the salt, creating a saturated liquid brine. Most of the brine generated is contained in ponds around the base of the pile, and periodically injected into deep underground formations. The use of covers to minimize brine generation is one method currently being examined as a decommissioning option. A preliminary three year laboratory program and review of potash cover experience was used as the basis for designing the field cover program. Two full scale 20m X 20m test covers have been constructed on an abandoned potash tails pile. One of the covers was constructed from glacial till overlying a coarse boulder capillary barrier. 1'he second was constructed from polymerized bentonite and sand. These covers are currently being monitored to evaluate their performance.

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