British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium

Water management at Equity Silver Mines Ltd. Patterson, Robert J.


Control measures at Equity Silver Mines Ltd. have been effective in minimizing the environmental impact of A.M.D. Those reclamation measures practiced, at least from results indicated by testwork, appear to be reducing net metal, sulphate and acidity loading by 40 %. Monitoring will be continued to substantiate these reductions. Research work continues at the mnesite to optimize treatment processes such that post closure operating costs are maintained within a manageable range. Details are now being worked on to secure funds to accomodate inperpetuity treatment of A.M.D.. There is however legislative and tax changes required to accomodate tax exemption within the program. With all conditions realized, water management could be a real operating burden if not for for the undivided support of management and operating crews at Equity Silver Mines Ltd. For this the writer extents much appreciation.

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