UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Large eddy simulation of the turbulence and fiber motion in a headbox Feng, Xiaosi


This thesis describes numerical simulations of the mean flow and the large-scale turbulence structures in a typical paper machine headbox. Parallel computational methods and a large eddy simulation (LES) model are used. Turbulent flow through the converging section is modelled and is then used, with a suitable fiber model, to make predictions of the statistical fiber orientation in the headbox. The present large eddy simulations have been made with a new parallel computational code developed by the author for this purpose. Techniques for parallel computation of LES are discussed. In this code, the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a staggered finite volume method for a generalized curvilinear coordinate system. The fractional step method is used to solve the momentum equations. A Poisson equation for pressure is obtained to satisfy the continuity equation. The Smagorinsky constant, the dynamic subgrid scale models and the approximate deconvolution model (ADM) are used in the large eddy simulations to account for the effects of the unresolved turbulent motions. Satisfactory validation of the new code is obtained through comparisons with experiments and computations of fully developed channel flow. The parallel efficiency is higher than 80% for the present parallel computation of LES. For the converging section flow representing the headbox, the computed values of the mean velocity agree well with the measured values. For the rms fluctuations, there are some differences between the numerical and the measured results over the first third of the converging section. These differences appear to be related to the impossiblity to set accurately the flow in the experiment and to the inflow data used in the simulations. A modified method for the simulation of inflow conditions is proposed, and used, and better agreement with experimental data is obtained with the new inflow conditions. The LES computer code is coupled with a suitable fiber model to predict the statistical orientation of nylon "fibers" in the converging section. The numerical methods give statistical results which are similar to existing experimental data for the fiber orientation. Finally, high Reynolds number large eddy simulations are carried out for a commercial sized headbox of generic geometry. Two inflow conditions for the converging section are investigated and some conclusions are drawn.

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