UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Linkage social capital as a determinant of Aboriginal health : an exploratory examination of social relationships Hutchinson, Peter James


Variations in First Nations health between health service delivery areas (HSDA) in British Columbia do not conform to the volumes of research demonstrating increased socioeconomic status (SES) increases health status. The lack of congruence between research demonstrating a link between health and SES and First Nation health and SES may be accounted for by the variations in the number of communities that participate in relationships with the Canadian government that promote self-determination. The HSDAs that have more First Nation communities participating in health transfer and the British Columbia Treaty Commission process with more First Nations on-reserve have better health than HSDAs with few communities participating in these relationships and large off-reserve populations. HSDAs that have more Aboriginal organizations and services also have higher off-reserve populations and lower health status. These finding suggest that relationships promoting equal participation in the development of social programs improves the health status of those who utilize those social programs.

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