UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Three dimensional flux boundary conditions for soil covers Weeks, Bjőrn


Soil covers are commonly used to isolate waste materials from the surrounding environment. The flux of moisture through a soil cover is one of the key parameters defining its performance. While the flux of moisture through soil covers has been well investigated for horizontal soil surfaces, there has been relatively little research on applications to sloped surfaces. This thesis examines moisture fluxes through soil covers in three dimensions, with a particular focus on the variations that occur in evaporation over a three dimensional (sloped) surface. A model for the prediction of net radiation over a three dimensional surface was developed, and verified with field experiments. Statistical analysis of the field data showed that the model could predict net radiation on sloped surfaces with good accuracy for engineering applications. A sensitivity study was also conducted to evaluate model parameters. The new model for net radiation over a three dimensional surface was designed for engineering application, and for simple integration with existing models of evaporation and flux boundaries on soil covers. The use of the new model, integrated with existing evaporative models, was demonstrated by comparison to field measured actual evaporation data. Applications have also been demonstrated for mapping net radiation and potential evaporation over three dimensional surfaces, with the mapping of actual evaporation also demonstrated for a case study meeting specific constraints.

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