UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Seeing Red : a pedagogy of parallax Sameshima, Pauline


Seeing Red: A Pedagogy of Parallax is a PhD dissertation written in the form of an epistolary bildungsroman--a didactic novel of personal developmental journeying. It shares the possibilities of how artful research informs processes of scholarly inquiry and honours the reader’s multi-perspective as integral to the research project’s transformative potential. Parallax is the apparent change of location of an object against a background due to a change in observer position or perspective shift. The concept of parallax encourages researchers and teachers to acknowledge and value the power of their own and their readers’ and students’ shifting subjectivities and situatedness which directly influence the constructs of perception, interpretation, and learning. This work makes three claims: (1) the sharing of stories encourages reflexive inquires in ethical self-consciousness, enlarges paradigms of the "normative," and develops pedagogical practices of liberation and acceptance of diversity; (2) form determines possibilities for content and function thus the use of an alternate format can significantly open new spaces for inquiry; and, (3) transformational learning may be significantly deepened in pedagogical practice through the intentional development of embodied aesthetic wholeness and of eros in the dynamic space between teacher and learner. Embodied aesthetic wholeness attends to teaching and learning holistically through the body with attention to: increasing receptivity and openness to learning; fostering skills of relationality; modeling wholeness-in-process in explicit reflexive texts; layering multiple strategies of inquiry, research experiences, and presentation; and acknowledging ecological and intuitive resonances.

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