UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Land use change in the orchard areas of the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia : a case study Marshall, Kenneth Bradford


The renewed interest in the preservation of agricultural land in British Columbia, brought about by the agricultural land freeze in December 1972 and the passage of Bill 42, the Land Commission Act in April 1973; established an interesting environment in which to analyze land use change in the Okanagan Valley. The loss of commercial orchard land in the Penticton area to residential and recreational uses had caused the Planning Director of the Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District to require that all major development must be made under a land use contract. This relatively new planning tool had been used in an orchard area near Penticton. This thesis is primarily a micro-economic analysis of the land use and changes to that use in this area. It is a case study which discusses the reasons behind the desire to change the land use, the effects of the marketing organization of the tree-fruit industry and governmental influences which affect the industry as a whole. The International problems affecting the tree-fruit industry are also analyzed as is their effect on the individual orchardist. The contention of this study is that although Bill 42 may have attempted to correct one of the symptoms of an ailing industry, more effort will have to be extended to eliminate the causes.

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