UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Inservice education in secondary reading for English teachers : a conceptual analysis Allen, Sheilah M.


The purpose of this study was to identify, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the relevant research and professional literature to develop a rationale and a conceptual model for inservice programs in secondary reading for English teachers. Illustrative instructional modules were also developed based on the literature review and synthesis. The need for inservice education programs in secondary reading for English teachers derives from two related sources: societal concern for what is perceived to be declining literacy standards; and the changing nature of the secondary school which requires that all students remain in school longer, thus considerably increasing the range of reading abilities faced by the classroom teacher. English teachers generally are designated as those responsible for teaching reading, either within their English classes or within a special reading class. They are also often called upon to provide guidance in reading instruction for other content teachers. However, few English teachers have had previous training in the teaching of reading, and continuing education in the form of inservice programs is increasingly necessary. Primary, secondary, and tertiary literature sources were reviewed and documents organized by substantive content into four categories: (1) Organization of Inservice Programs—Guidelines, Needs, Goals, Roles; (2) Methodology of Inservice Programs—Structure, Activities; (3) Evaluation of Inservice Programs; and, (4) Models of Inservice Programs. Generalizations and practical principles were then derived based on comparisons within and between categories. Guidelines for inservice were drawn from survey and questionnaire studies on present practices and suggested improvements; reported needs-assessment studies and instruments were examined; topics for inservice programs were drawn from an analysis of stated goals in the literature; and roles of participants were developed in fairly discrete terms. The methodology section incorporates suggestions for general structure and specific activities of in-service programs with emphasis on the workshop. The necessity of evaluation of both inservice programs and the subsequent effect on teaching received heavy emphasis in the literature as did use of multiple evaluation measures. Models of inservice programs were identified and synthesized with a wide range in focus and components emerging. Several important trends in inservice programming were revealed in the literature review including: a new concern with the planning phase, a wide variety of methodological possibilities in organizing and conducting inservice programs, a recognition of the significance of evaluation, and an increased awareness of the potential of self-evaluation and teacher leadership. The results of the literature review and synthesis were incorporated into the rationale and conceptual model outlining components of inservice education in reading for secondary English teachers. The components of the model include: general and specific guidelines, examples of needs-assessment instruments, detailed goals based on specific topics, many activities within a workshop structure, and multiple modes of evaluation of the effectiveness of inservice efforts. Four illustrative instructional modules are presented based on (1) Students, (2) Materials, (3) Teaching Strategies, and (4) Staff Development. Each module contains the rationale for content and objectives, suggested materials of instruction, evaluation instruments, and maintenance procedures. Guidelines and organizational principles appropriate for inservice programs in general are presented and recommendations made for further research in the theoretical development and field testing of the model and instructional modules to facilitate adaptation to other groups and levels.

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