UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Attitudes of secondary school graduates and teachers towards the literacy skills of university-bound students in British Columbia Mackworth, Marian E.


Surveys two populations, teachers of grade 12 English in the province of British Columbia and recent high school graduates who are now in English 100 at the University of British Columbia, to ascertain the differing perspectives held by those two groups toward certain literacy and communication skills deemed to be relevant to successful university or college study. Respondents were asked to rate the frequency of teaching of each skill, the strength of the average university-bound student (or the student respondent) in each skill, and the importance of each skill to university study. All student-completed questionnaires were considered usable. A 76% return was obtained from teachers in the Province. Results, reported in descriptive terms, were analyzed by computer using programs from SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. It was found that teachers agree with students as to the freguency of the teaching of skills and the importance of those skills to university study. However, students and teachers show less agreement in rating the strength that students have in individual skills.

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