UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Stability and change of family identity in financial crisis Eckert, Ron


This study is based on data obtained in interviews from three couples who experienced severe financial loss in the recession of 1982. This data was organized into narratives that were validated by the participants and an independent reviewer. These narratives were analyzed for changes in underlying belief structures, a major component of family identity. The theory of constructivism and specific theorists such as Reiss (1981), Steinglass, Bennett, Wolin and Reiss (1987) were used to classify the changes. The conclusion summarizes the reciprocal influences of the external stressor, financial loss, and family identity, an internal construct. Recommendations, based on the experiences of these three couples, are offered to those who have experienced a similar loss and those who are counselling such couples and families.

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