UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Help-giving sources preferred by Chinese international students Friesen, Heather Jean


Forty-six undergraduate and graduate Chinese international students were asked to rank 14 help-givers as to their perceived potential for help given two problem types, a hypothetical emotional and educational-vocational problem. The data was treated as a 2 x 14 (sex subgrouping x help-giving source) fixed effects fully crossed design using analysis of variance for the two factors with repeated measures on the second factor. Cross-tabulations indicated no Sex effect in the rankings of help-givers. A significant Problem Type effect, however, differentiated the rankings given help-givers at the 0.01 level. Cross-tabulations of respondent order with help-giving source also indicated a significant Follow-up effect at the 0.05 level which was non-significant when sex was included as a subgrouping factor. For male and female subjects, the Chinese International Student was the preferred source of assistance for the emotional problem with Faculty Advisor being preferred for the educational-vocational problem. Secondary sources of assistance for the emotional problem were Parents and Non-Student Friend for the males and Relative and Non-student Friend for the females. Secondary sources of assistance for the educational-vocational problem were Parents, Chinese International Student- and Faculty Member for the males and Relative and Faculty Member-, for the females. Psychiatrist, Community Leader and International House Staff Member were given distinctly low preferences across problem types. Help-givers with religious affiliation, i.e., minister or priest, predominated as a source of assistance not included in the list of help-givers provided. The rankings given help-givers across problem types was consistent with the results of previous studies investigating the help-giving preferences of international students.

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