UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Exploring a British Columbia cultural centre : a focus for the secondary art curriculum Carmichael, Lynne Alison


This study describes and explains an approach to the implementation of the Art Foundations component of the Secondary Art curriculum. The project covered an intensive five month period of preparation and a five week period of implementation. Particular emphasis has been placed on the use of local cultural centres as practical sources for materials in satisfying the Art Foundations learning outcomes. The program attempts to identify and suggest possible solutions to problems experienced by both local cultural centres and school art educators. In particular, it suggests possible types of materials needed by art educators to make the most effective use of their local arts centre. A teacher manual "More Than Meets the Eye" was devised to assist the teachers in the preparation of their classes for their visit to the local cultural centre. Individual student kits were also developed containing materials to focus pupil viewing at specific exhibits in the Richmond Arts Centre. The proposed learning outcomes suggested in the Secondary Art curriculum have served as signposts in the development of these materials. The value and potential for using this approach to implementation of the Art Foundations component of the Secondary Art curriculum was then explored with special emphasis on the statistical data, and personal interviews conducted by the researcher. Results of the data collection indicated that this approach has potential to facilitate integrating the Art Foundations component with exhibits at the Richmond Arts Centre. The majority of the teachers and students as well as the various Co-ordinators expressed highly positive reactions to the project. Future consideration of this approach to the Art Foundations component of the Secondary Art curriculum is recommended.

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