UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Cardiorespiratory fitness during pregnancy and its relationship to outcome Wong, Susan Carol


In order to determine the effects of aerobic fitness on pregnancy and the newborn 20 primigravid subjects were studied throughout their gestational period and immediately post-partum. The subjects were classified as trained (T=10) or untrained (UT=10) based on the heart rate response to submaximal cycle ergometry testing done in each trimester. Case room reports were reviewed after delivery. There was no difference between groups in the length of gestational period (T=40.75;UT=40.75 weeks) nor weight gained versus prepregnancy measures (T=13.92; UT=13.30 kgs). The first stage of labour was extended in the UT, 13hrs.58.8min. vs 1lhrs.18.Omin. UT had a longer second stage, 90.57 vs 70.0 mins. for T. Stage 3 was also prolonged in UT, 15.17 vs 7.43 mins. In both groups analgesia and/or anaesthesia was used equally. Two of the 10 T females had caesarean sections vs 3 of the 10 in the UT group. The mean apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes were: T=7.70, 9.20; UT=7.90, 9.33, respectively. The birth weights of the T babies were marginally larger than the UT newborns (3733.00 vs 3679.97 gms). The T newborns were 8 males and 2 females, and the UT were 5 males and 5 females. All babies were healthy and without apparent abnormalities. There appears to be no positive or negative effects of maternal fitness on the newborn. The reduction in the active stage of labour in the T group may reflect their improved fitness levels.

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