UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

School, how some re-entry students see it Serediuk, Leona Margaret


Factors which relate to continued attendance and to dropout at school were investigated in this study. The Critical Incident Technique was used to interview 22 female and male subjects, aged 12 to 16, in a Re-Entry program. It was found that subjects responded on three levels; the structure of the school system, their relationship with other students and school personnel and the meaning of school in their lives. The process of categorization resulted in seven categories; SCHOOL STRUCTURE, SCHOOL AUTHORITY, SCHOOLW0RK, TEACHERS, STUDENTS, PERSONAL ACTIVITIES or INFLUENCE of PEERS, and FAMILY INFLUENCES. Each of these categories included critical incidents that, in the subject's opinion, facilitated their continued attendance at school and hindered their staying in school.

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