UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Deep water renewal in the Strait of Georgia Doherty, Louis Ford


The seasonal and interannual variation of the water properties and deep water renewal in the Strait of Georgia are examined. Temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen data acquired over an intensively sampled one year period are presented to show the timing of renewal periods and the variation in properties across the Strait and with depth. The northward propagation of the renewal signal and of its variation across the Strait of Georgia are discussed. A volumetric analysis provides temperature and salinity averages of the Strait of Georgia waters and of renewal water during several stages of each renewal period. Estimates of the renewal volume are calculated using a heat and salt budget method. Data collected in the central part of the Strait over several decades are presented to show the interannual variation in water properties. Correlation coefficients relating the wintertime air temperatures to the deep water properties some time later in the Strait are given.

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