UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The effect of continuous and discontinuous image presentation on image processing time Mah, Tom Chack-Dong


This study investigated perceptual strategies adopted by fifty-nine high school students during tasks involving the recognition of embedded geometric shapes. Results indicated a statistically significant mean difference between the two modes of image presentation: continuous and discontinuous. However, the order of image presentation (continuous/ discontinuous or discontinuous/continuous) was not significant, while the interaction between mode and order of presentation was significant. These results give some supporting evidence of an animation/freezing categorization to perceptual style. The effect of similar tasks in a series on image processing time is just as likely to produce initially regressive or progressive results in a short three-task series. These results give supporting evidence to findings that subjects undergo an initial period of exploration before settling on a persistent strategy leading to steady progression in performance.

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