UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Coping with pain in rheumatoid arthritis Bishop, Carole Marie


This research investigated the role of coping strategies in reducing the pain experience of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients over a seven-day period. Sixty-three patients completed a twice-daily structured dairy consisting of an eight scale revision of the Ways of Coping (WOC), the depression subscale of the Affects Balance Scale (ABS), and a pain visual analogue scale (VAS). Multivariate analyses for repeated measures identified two coping strategies, Self-Care and Positive Reappraisal, as significantly effective in pain reduction. Self-Care includes behavioral attempts to manage the symptoms of RA. Positive Reappraisal involves cognitive efforts to redefine pain experience in positive terms. The other six coping strategies also demonstrated a trend to increased use on days when pain decreased. These data imply that intraindividual approaches in examining the coping/pain association have potential benefit for determining a causal relation between coping and pain.

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