UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

An investigation into nongraded education programs to develop a nongraded music education curriculum and assessment model Le Dressay, Joanne M.


The purpose of this evaluative study is to redefine music education as a result of the Year 2000 document in British Columbia. This investigation seeks to provide a positive and effective partnership between music educators and their curricular objectives contemporary in elementary educational environments. The present approach to music education is, in comparison to contemporary practices in elementary education archaic. This qualitative study seeks to determine if music education would be successful in a nongraded structure. Implications for music educators teaching in a nongraded environment include: grouping strategies, curriculum development integrating nongradedness, evaluation methods and techniques. This thesis develops a Nongraded Music Education Curriculum and Assessment Model. The results of this thesis will help music educators balance the need for practical day-to-day understanding of pedagogical teaching methodology with the need to aspire to ascertain new ideals, conceptualizations and philosophies concerning their role of music educator.

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