UBC Library and Archives

Developing the Cycling Route Planner: innovative tools for healthy travel Brauer, Michael


This session described the development of the Cycling Route Planner, an openly available web tool to support public health. Dr. Brauer led a team that developed the interactive cycling route planner, which integrates research from various sources and disseminates it via a user-friendly Google Maps interface. This planner is part of the Cycling in Cities program, based at UBC’s School of Population & Public Health and the School of Environmental Health. The tool allows cyclists to find routes that fit personal preferences, such as distance, elevation gain, air quality and vegetation. The underlying code for the route planner can also be easily adapted to other municipalities wishing to embark on similar projects. This session took place on October 18, 2010 in the Lillooet Room of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre at the University of British Columbia.

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