UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Long range corporate planning Moudgill, Pravin


The thesis is in two distinct parts. The first part deals with the theoretical aspect of long-range corporate planning. Specifically it: 1. Traces the history of development of long-range planning; giving evidence of maturing of the discipline, its efficacy, and its acceptance in the business world. 2. Introduces the concepts of long-range corporate planning and develops them into a comprehensive theory. 3. Outlines and analyses the advantages of long-range planning, distinguishing between 'defensive' and 'creative' advantages. 4. Suggests broad outlines on 'how to plan'. Includes some interesting (to the author) models developed by others as an aid to the planning exercise. The second part contains details of a real-life application of long-range planning. A heuristic approach is utilized to develop a 4-year plan for two associated firms, a metal-stamping organization and a distributing-cum-sales organization. The exercise involves: 1. Setting up objectives. 2. Examination of the existing resources of the two firms. Locating sources of present and potential strengths and weaknesses. 3. A study of the market. 4. Establishing a time horizon. 5. Developing a product-market policy. 6. Integrating all the above into a comprehensive long-range plan. The principles developed in the first part find normative application in the above plan. The plan therefore serves a dual purpose: a vehicle for integration of various planning principles, as also for guiding the corporate destiny of the two firms.

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