UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Metamorphism in the Fraser Canyon, British Columbia Bremner, Trevor John


The northerly trending Hozameen, Yale and Hope faults transect the northwesterly trending Custer Gneiss and Hozameen, Ladner and Jackass Mountain Groups. Yale Fault separates gneisses of the Hozameen Group to the east from Custer Gneiss to the west. The Custer Gneiss, as herein restricted, is compositionally distinct from the Hozameen Group and shows a period of early deformation not present in the Hozameen Group. During the Cretaceous, regional deformation and greenschist facies metamorphism of the biotite zone affected rocks between the Yale and Hozameen faults. These rocks grade into gneisses of the hornblende hornfels facies within a few hundred yards of the Spuzzum Quartz Diorite and Yale Intrusions. This restricted contact metamorphism contrasts with the widespread, high temperature and pressure metamorphism found in this and other areas around the Spuzzum Quartz Diorite on the west side of the Hope fault.

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