UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

New formulation of the load-flow problem Jalali-Kushki, Hossein


The new formulation of the load-flow problem presented in this thesis yields a set of equations each of which has only one nonlinear term. The equations are derived from the corrections required to make the final values equal to the initial estimated values. The resultant set of equations can be used when the initial estimated values are adjusted to their final values. However, derivation of the equations for this latter case results in a set of equations with (n-1) nonlinear terms in each equation for an n-bus power system. Five algorithms based upon the new formulation are described. Numerical tests on several sample power systems show that some of the new algorithms possess better convergence and speed characteristics than the commonly used Ward-Hale and Newton algorithms.

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