UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Assessment of the quality for the NADP/NTN date based on their predictability Komungoma, Saulati Koku


Three methods are used to predict the ion concentrations of a particular station using the concentrations of the other stations, for the data produced by the National Acidic Deposition (NADP) Network/ National Trends Network (NTN), during the period of1983-86. We relate the degree of predictability to the quality of the data. Stations are ranked in the order in which they would be dropped if the network were, hypothetically, to be reduced in size. The agreement of the ranks given by different methods is assessed. Our study uses monthly volume weighted mean concentrations for each of the three selected ions, investigated one at a time. Since there a large number of stations (86 for hydrogen, 81 for each of the remaining ions) and only 48 months, analyses was carried out on clusters of stations. It was not possible to perform an ordinary regression analysis with a lot of missing data, so the analysis is done with missing values replaced by their estimates.

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