UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Design of sub level caving method by means of mine model tests Sarin, Devinder Kumar


Design criteria of the Longitudinal Sub-Level Caving method of mining, as it would particularly apply to Granduc Mines, has been studied by means of geometrically scaled mine models. Principles of similarity and their use in the model test work with due consideration to the simplifying assumptions have been analysed. Gravity flow theories of granular material as applicable to the bin design work have been used where possible in the stope design. A total of thirty-seven tests on a 1:30 scale model were conducted involving various orebody configurations. Qualitative observations are reported and the effects that will have to be dealt with by theoretical treatment are described. Within reasonable experimental accuracy, the draw figures of the flow of broken ore material in the model are determined. Based on these figures, mine layout patterns which would ensure maximum ore recovery with minimum waste dilution from the stopes have been presented for the mine development work. Quantitative design of ‘blast retreat distance’ depending on change in natural conditions of the stope, such as moisture content and confining pressures, etc. have been determined by measuring the flow properties of the ore material with Triaxial compression testing equipment. A remarkable change in the flow properties and hence the draw configuration is predicted. Recommendations on further and advanced work are included on the quantitative design of stoping layouts for the modern sub-level caving methods

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