UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Preparation and properties of metal difluorophosphates Tan, Thiam Hock


Twenty-seven difluorophosphates are successfully prepared by the displacement reactions of anhydrous chlorides or arylcarboxylates with purified difluorophosphoric acid. Vibrational spectra are obtained for these difluorophosphates and assignments made. The effects of cation-anion interactions on the vibrational frequencies of the PO₂F₂ group are also examined. Mossbauer parameters for five dialkyltin bis-difluorophosphates are reported and compared with those of analogous fluorosulfate derivatives. Electrical conductivity, nuclear magnetic resonance and density studies of solutions of some metal difluorophosphates in difluorophosphoric acid are made in an attempt to obtain a better understanding of solution behaviour in difluorophosphoric acid.

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