UBC Library and Archives

Data Management Working Group Report and Appendices Barsky, Eugene; Sprout, Bronwen


In January 2010, the Library formed a working group to consider and advise the eStrategy Committee on whether UBC Library should be involved in the process of data management, to investigate current data management practices and initiatives at UBC, to research current data initiatives in comparable university libraries and identify potential partners for data management initiatives. The group reported to the eStrategy committee. Nineteen library professionals volunteered to serve in this very diverse group, demonstrating a strong interest amongst UBC archivists and librarians about this topic. Group members conducted a literature review and interviewed UBC researchers and administrators to find out about current data management practices at UBC. The group’s findings demonstrate that there is an institutional need for data management both practically and as mandated by granting agencies, and suggest that the Library can position itself as a bridge between researchers and users by providing metadata and infrastructure support. In terms of the Library’s efforts, data management aligns well with other digital initiatives such as cIRcle and the new Digital Initiatives unit, as outlined in the Library’s strategic plan in the areas of Accelerate Research and Engage with Community. As our literature review revealed, data management is a relatively new area for academic libraries. There is an opportunity to establish ourselves as leaders in Canada in data management, and to collaborate nationally and internationally on data management issues. In light of the significant opportunities for the Library in this area, the group recommends that a limited term, internal position be created for a data management librarian to continue the group’s work and to further university-wide engagement.

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