UBC Undergraduate Research

Total quality management : rational prerequisites & expectations Dubé, Tinina


In the early 1920‟s, research into the relationship between statistical theory and quality control had started (Business Performance Improvement Resource 2002). The research was attempting to develop a method to prevent product defects by detecting and correcting issues within the production line. The philosophical bases of this quality research stated that a variation in process would lead to a corresponding variation in product (Business Performance Improvement Resource 2002). By the 1940‟s, Japan and America were ahead of the rest of the world in quality research with developments by now famous Quality Gurus: W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Kaoru Ishikawa and A.V. Feigenbaum. Ultimately, Total Quality Management was created and is now commonly practiced by successful companies. TQM is now recognized as a professional discipline and important in every role of every organization: goods and service industries, consumers and academics (The American Society for Quality 1993A). “Total Quality” was initialized in 1969 when Feigenbaum, at a conference in Tokyo, began to address not only production, but issues within organizations (Business Performance Improvement Resource 2002). The concept of “Company-wide Quality Control” quickly spread to become organization-wide quality issue resolution (The American Society for Quality 1993A). Total Quality Management is defined as a practical method of solving problems. It is a management philosophy turned social movement; it includes technical interventions and initiatives which feature (Powell 1995, Zbaracki 1994): 1. Achieving Customer Requirements, Maximize Customer Satisfaction 2. Quality Work - Reduction and Elimination of Rework 3. Employee Empowerment, Team-Based Problem Solving 4. Continuous Improvement and Constant Measurement of Results 5. Improve Relationships Through Supply Chain Management

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