UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Spark spectra of zinc Dick, Kenneth Anderson


The spark spectra of zinc have been photographed in the region λ350 Å to λ8000 Å using a three metre normal incidence vacuum grating spectrograph, a twenty-one foot Eagle-Paschen " in-plane" grating spectrograph, and a Hilger E478 large automatic prism spectrograph with interchangeable glass or quartz optical trains. The spectra were excited using a condensed spark in helium source, a hollow cathode discharge, and a condensed electrodeless discharge source. In all, 5982 spectral lines were measured. Sixty-four line classifications were made in Zn I from previously established energy levels. Three hundred and seventy-one line classifications were made in Zn II, and 33 new levels were established. In Zn III, major revisions and extensions have led to a total of 1259 line classifications and 264 energy levels were established, 44 of which had been determined previously. Revisions to a previous report on the spectrum of Zn IV have resulted in an increase of the number of classified lines to 329.

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