UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Some oceanographic features of northern Chilean waters in July, 1962 Inostroza Villagra, Hector M.


A description is presented of some of the oceanographic features of the northern Chilean waters as indicated by a study of the distribution of properties and of direct current measurements during the Marchile II Expedition, 1962. A narrow band of cold, low salinity water of low oxygen content close to the coast; an oxygen minimum layer from 50 to 400 m and the permanence of the Peru - Chile undercurrent are the outstanding features of the area. The process of upwelling is suggested as the main cause of the distribution of properties near the coast. However this process of upwelling was probably in a quiescent state during the Marchile II Expedition, being much less intense than during other expeditions in the same area, and than in other similar upwelling regions of the world.

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