UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

(Re)escrituras de Caperucita Roja en la literatura hispánica de la segunda mitad del siglo XX que desafían normas sociales coercitivas Vekić, Tiana


This thesis analyzes a selection of Hispanic narratives from the second half of the 20th century that (re)write the story of Little Red Riding Hood in order to challenge coercive social norms (such as those pertaining to conservative sexuality, female development, and political and military oppression) and restore the autonomy of the individual. Parting from a socio-historic interpretation of Little Red Riding Hood, and defining it as a symbolic abstraction of socio-historic realities, the thesis analyzes in a comparative manner how various Hispanic authors (Juan Marsé, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Carmen Martín Gaite, and Manlio Argueta) have used Little Red Riding Hood to highlight oppressive norms in a particular social order and propose ways of transforming it.

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