UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A functional analysis of the private press as a type of publisher Carre, Gary


This thesis examines how, in providing context to records creation, functional analysis can be used in the archival appraisal of private press records. This thesis draws on literature from a variety of sources, including the history of printing and publishing activities, the nature of private presses and archival appraisal theory. It also involves the examination of private press records held at the University of British Columbia Library, Special Collections and University Archives Division. Three private presses in British Columbia are used as examples in this thesis. They are Barbarian Press, Klanak Press and Cobblestone Press. In chapter one, the historical experience of private presses in British Columbia is outlined. Following this, in chapters two through four, the functions and activities of publishing organizations are examined, with special reference to the particular way in which they are carried out by private presses. The nature of records created by private presses are also identified. In chapter two, the author examines the function of publishing organizations to acquire prospective manuscripts. Chapter three describes the function of publishing organizations to physically produce a finished work. Chapter four examines the marketing function of publishing organizations. Throughout these chapters, the author examines the archival records of the three private presses used as examples in this thesis, highlighting archival appraisal implications drawn from an analysis of functions and activities. In his conclusion, the author reaffirms the role of functional analysis in archival work.

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