UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A study on the use of dielectric loaded slow wave structures in travelling wave tubes McDiarmid, Donald Ralph


In the first section of this thesis the simple Pierce Theory for the travelling wave tube is discussed and developed. The result of this analysis is a number of equations which produce information about gain and bandwidth. The next section of the thesis is devoted to a discussion of periodic structures with particular emphasis on dielectric loaded periodic structures. Finally the Pierce Theory is applied to the dielectric slow wave structure. Results are presented of a study performed to find a correlation between the physical dimensions of the dielectric structure and the gain-bandwidth properties of a travelling wave tube employing the structure. These results, which are in graphical form, can be used to eliminate the initial exploratory design work for travelling wave tubes of this type. A sample use is made of the design curves and the results are compared to a computational check to show both the usefulness and the limitations of the curves

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