UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Creep of saturated soil at different temperatures Gupta, Balarka


A theoretical as well as laboratory investigation into the creep of soil at different temperatures is presented. Other observations such as the effect of temperature on pore pressure under constant stress are also reported. An hypothesis explaining the phenomenon of creep of soil is proposed; experimental results verifying the same are also presented. Experimental work consisted of the following two types of triaxial tests: 1. Unconsolidated undrained tests on cylindrical specimens without pore pressure measurements. 2. Consolidated undrained tests on cylindrical specimens with pore pressure measurements. A triaxial machine equipped with a non-flow null indicating type pore pressure measuring device was used for all shear tests. An outer jacket surrounding the triaxial cell was designed for temperature control for all tests reported. Observed data show that other factors being constant, strain rate increases with increase of temperature although the relationship between strain rate and absolute temperature is not linear at all times. It is also observed that pore pressure increases with increase of temperature provided other factors are kept constant.

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