UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Policy sector convergence: an examination of aboriginal politics and forestry policy in British Columbia Morawski, Edward Roger


British Columbia is undergoing a transformation in both its forestry policy regime and its regime governing aboriginal policy. Forestry policy has evolved from what once was a closed network, dominated by the ministry of forests and the forestry industry, to a more expansive network that includes a variety of interests. British Columbia's aboriginal policy now recognizes the legitimacy of aboriginal claims to traditional territories, and has correspondingly initiated a treaty negotiation process with B.C.'s First Nations. A synthesis has emerged between aboriginal politics and the provincial forestry regime in some parts of the province. Consequently, two independant policy sectors have converged and this new policy phenomenon has been unexplored by political scientists. Clayoquot Sound, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, is an area at the forefront of forestry policy development. This thesis, therefore, uses Clayoquot Sound as a case study of sector convergence. In doing so, this thesis explains the phenomena of inter-sector penetration and explores its consequences to policy theory.

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