UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

An evaluation of the facilities and services of the Vancouver, B.C., Juvenile Detention Home Mozzanini, John Seraphine


This study surveys the facilities and services for the children admitted to the Vancouver Detention Home. A comparison of this detention home and that of Frazer Detention Home, Portland, Oregon, has been made in certain instances. The Historical development of the Vancouver Home has been briefly covered, also probable future suggestions for improvements in treatment, in the Home and personnel have been discussed. One chapter is devoted entirely to case studies which were considered a "cross-section" of the kind of child admitted. Strengths and weaknesses in the treatment are noted. Emphasis is given to the professional requirements of personnel within the Home. Administration, Intake, Recreational Program, Work Program and School Program are reviewed. An Evaluation of the usefulness of the building is also made. The importance of understanding the needs for a specific child are discussed in some detail. The role of the social worker is emphasized.

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