UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The infrared spectrometer applied to the structure of carbon disulphide Rogers, Edward de Lancey


The infrared absorption spectrum of carbon disulphide in the vapour state has been remeasured in the region from 2 to 15 microns. A total of six bands were measured in the region less than 15 microns. They were located at 3.38, 3.51, 4.29, 4.58, 6.52, and 11.4 microns. The measurements were made with a Perkin-Elmer spectrometer with a D.C. breaker type amplifier and Brown recorder. Cell lengths up to 100cm were employed. The wave lengths of the observed absorption hands are given in a table, and graphs are shown of the percentage transmission over the wave drum setting of the spectrometer. Phase shifting thyratron circuits, suitable for the accurate control of conditions of the absorbing media, are discussed. Of interest are the measurements of the structure of the Ʋ ₃ band at 1535 cmˉ¹. The side band located at the long-wave length side of the Ʋ₃ band is due to the isotopic effect produced by C¹³. The bands obtained are such as to support the conclusion that carbon disulphide is a linear triatomic molecule.

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