International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies (WCILCOS) (5th : 2012)

本土身份的建構與反思 : 以阿濃的散文為例 馬, 輝洪; 梁, 恒達


阿濃(朱溥生)是香港著名的散文及兒童文學作家,出版的著作迄今已逾百種。無論從內容取材到 語言運用,他的作品極具本土色彩,深受香港青少年的喜愛,多年來再版不絕。1993 年,阿濃移居 加拿大,至今仍著述不斷,在香港和加拿大兩地發表作品。本論文以阿濃在移民前後的獲獎作品為 分析對象,從文化認同 (Cultural Identity) 的視角,探尋阿濃在作品中發聲位置 (Position of Enunciation) 的游移及其書寫策略的轉變,藷此審視他與香港本土寫作的經驗,以及他與加拿大華文創作的關係, 從中窺見海外華人作家對本土身分的叩問與反思。 A Nong (CHU Pu-sun) is a renowned Hong Kong writer of prose and children’s literature, having published more than a hundred books to date. Whether it is the content of the writing and choice of expression, his works, which have been reprinted many times, often reflect his native consciousness and are widely read by young people in Hong Kong. After immigrating to Canada in 1993, A Nong has continued to publish books in both Hong Kong and Canada. Based on A Nong’s award-winning works published between his pre- and post-immigration days, this paper explores his shifting position of enunciation and writing strategies from the perspective of cultural identity. By investigating his writing experiences in both Hong Kong and Canada, while simultaneously exploring their relationships to each other, we can observe how A Nong, a Chinese Diaspora author, reflects on his cultural roots.

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