UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

La historia tragicómica de don Henrique de Castro : la primera novela histórica hispanoamericana Sanchez, Fresia Inés Sánchez


In 1617, Francisco Loubayssin de la Marca published his Historia tragicómica de don Henrique de Castro, a novel that narrates the adventures of several characters, their relationships with one another, and their travels throughout the world. The work has been categorized within the scope of several different literary genres, such as the Byzantine, the sentimental, and the picaresque, to name a few. Though the text has received some historical criticism by George Ticknor, José Toribio Medina, Cedomil Goiĉ and Arsenio Pacheco-Ranzans, it has not been studied in depth, nor has it been published as a modern critical edition. The purpose of this thesis is twofold. It presents a modernized and annotated edition of the Historia tragicómica de don Henrique de Castro and an overall study of Loubayssin de la Marca’s principal works. Engaños deste siglo y historia sucedida en nuestros tiempos, Historia tragicómica de don Henrique de Castro and the Panegírico al gran Cardenal Duque de Richelieu are discussed within the framework of the Spanish novel in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Chapter 1 identifies Fernando de Rojas, Lope de Vega, Miguel de Cervantes and Alonso de Ercilla’s influence in Loubayssin’s works. It analyzes Loubayssin’s use of different narrative models which were popular at that time. Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive study of the historical, political, social-economic, religious and cultural situation in Spain and France from the sixteenth to the seventeenth centuries. The modernized and annotated edition of the Historia tragicómica de don Henrique de Castro is presented in Chapter 3. This thesis demonstrates that this novel is an innovative historical narrative, the first of many that will incorporate elements of the “discovery” and conquest of the New World. As such, it should be considered for a more accurate configuration of the Early Modern Spanish novel. We hope that this study will contribute to this process.

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