British Columbia Mine Reclamation Symposium

Considerations in mine reclamation costing Brodie, John


Reclamation estimates can vary considerably for the same mine site. Owners and regulators typically have differing perspectives and assumptions concerning what should be included in the closure cost estimate. It may be reasonable for a mine owner to carry one value on its financial statements as to their expected cost of reclamation and post a bond for a higher value assuming the government has to carry out the work. Factors such as use of owner’s equipment versus contractor equipment, salvage value, and linkage between the mine plan and reclamation plan will significantly influence the estimated cost. Selection of an appropriate contingency value is an item of judgment that may be the largest line item in an estimate. The contingency value reflects a number of aspects, which add uncertainty to the cost estimate. The linkage between uncertainty and stage of mine life is presented in the context of understanding the differences between reclamation cost estimates.

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