UBC Undergraduate Research

Evaluating postoperative patient education and related outcomes Balatbat, Paulo; Bryant, Margaret; Wright, Anthony G.


We conducted the project based on the importance of adequate postoperative teaching and the need to constantly re-evaluate and improve it. In addressing possible complications after surgery, postoperative education is essential to provide patients with the following information: (1) appropriate self-management at home after discharge, (2) reducing the occurrence of symptoms and complications after discharge, and (3) enhancing recovery and overall quality of life (Fredricks, Guruge, Sidani, Wan, 2010).Given that postoperative education has a substantial impact on improving the general state of surgical patients after discharge, it is important to explore existing gaps and areas of improvement within our area of study – the Short Stay Surgical Unit (1S) at UBC hospital. With regards to the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) survey that was administered within 1S from October 2011 to March 2012, several components related to discharge education were rated within the Lowest Percent Positive Scores (ie. areas for improvements). According to the patients who participated in the NSQIP survey, topics that seemed to warrant the need for reinforcement included the following discussions: when to resume normal activities, medication side effects, and danger signals to watch for. Similarly, another study which involved total hip replacement (THR) and total knee replacement (TKR) surgeries identified unexpected challenges for which patients felt inadequately prepared for: sleep disturbance and psychological concerns such as mood changes and increased stress (Westby, & Backman, 2010). Thus, we aimed to create and administer a patient satisfaction survey which addressed the gaps from NSQIP survey, while examining topics which are currently not part of discharge education at S1: sleep disturbance and psychological issues. The satisfaction survey was conducted using post-op total hip and knee replacement surgery patients from the Short Stay Surgical Unit (1S) at the UBC Hospital.

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