UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Informal recreation area in recreation planning Anderson, Darlene


Supply of recreation areas is an important aspect of recreation planning, and this thesis examines one specific aspect of it. In a recent demand and supply study done for the Lower Mainland region, supply was studied by dividing it into two parts, formal and informal. Formal supply of recreation areas are those that have formal designation, such as BC Parks, Regional Parks, municipal parks, BC Forest sites and trails, and BC Hydro Recreation areas. All other areas used for recreation are considered “informal”, and it is these that are discussed in this thesis. The value of informal recreation areas within the recreation opportunity spectrum is examined from a variety of perspectives. Theoretical considerations of recreation planning are presented as background to the remainder of the thesis. The topics: “The Importance and Value of Recreation, Recreation Planning Themes, Relationships and Linkages of Recreation to Other Aspects of Life, and Recreation Place Systems”, are discussed. Following this, a methodology for inventorying them and the most predominant land types used as informal recreation areas are described. Pertinent aspects of inventories and the importance of choosing appropriate activity categories are also examined. The thesis centres on discussions of the non-tangible, psychological and emotional aspects and benefits of outdoor recreation that should be incorporated into recreation planning. Suggestions on ways to achieve these non-tangible objectives using concrete and practical steps are offered.

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