UBC Faculty Research and Publications

Information needed to support health human resources management Kazanjian, Arminée, 1947-


The supply, distribution, quality, deployment, organization and utilization of health human resources are of interest to multiple stake-holders, and interest in policy research and planning in this area is particularly strong in all jurisdictions. The purpose of health human resources activity is to identify and achieve the optimal number, mix, and distribution of personnel, at a cost society is able to afford. Due to inter-provincial migration, policies in one jurisdiction seriously affect the situation in other jurisdictions. Most problem areas require national coordination of proposed solutions. The management of health human resources includes three information-based functions: monitoring and evaluation, planning, and policy research. Understanding successful retention strategies, anticipating change in supply and requirements, and measuring workload, turnover, or attrition all require sufficiently developed databases in these areas of interest. Planning activities include making appropriate use of resources, identifying current and future net requirements and developing new service delivery options. All of these activities presume the availability of accurate and consistent information. Efforts in policy development to increase productivity, or improve retention, among other concerns, are seriously hampered by the absence of reliable databases.

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