UBC Faculty Research and Publications

On the Role of Engagement in Human Information Interaction: From Research to Implementation Arapakis, Ionnis; Lopatovska, Irene; O'Brien, Heather, 1977-


This workshop will provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and developers interested in user engagement and emotion in the context of human information interaction. Specifically, the workshop aims to address the following questions: “How do we ensure that the measurement of subjective information experience is robust and scalable?”, “How do we design interfaces for engaging and emotionally compelling experiences?”, and “How do we prevent disengagement?” The ability to answer these questions relies upon: a solid conceptual understanding of subjective experiences; robust, scalable approaches to measuring engagement; and the ability to utilize this knowledge in information systems and interface design. This three-part half-day workshop will include: talks by the organizers to ground the workshop’s themes; position paper presentations and design exemplars from attendees, and an interactive session focused on design scenarios and prototyping. The intersection of emotion and engagement with measurement and design in information interaction contexts is a timely issue for the iSchool community.

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