UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The Hong Kong week of 1967 and the emergence of the modern Hong Kong identity Tong, Clement Tsz Ming


The birth of the modern Hong Kong identity has long been attributed to the events following the 1967 Riot. This thesis affirms the current understanding that a renewed sense of self-awareness and identity was experienced by the people of Hong Kong as a direct result of the riots. However, the thesis argues against the general scholarly consent that this identity was at its inception a cultural identity, but proposes that this Hong Kong awareness began as a political identity, advocated by the elites of the Hong Kong society and subsequently accepted by its majority. The cultural dimensions of the Hong Kong identity would take another decade to evolve. The thesis also compares the cases of Hong Kong and Singapore, and argues that both underwent processes of identification that were in many ways similar.

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