UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The use of a vee to facilitate knowledge outcomes from an interactive multimedia program Lee, Karen Vickie


With the intent of improving music pedagogy, the purpose of this research study was to adapt Gowin's Vee for educators to use to effectively evaluate knowledge outcomes from an interactive multimedia (IMM) program called The Orchestra. The Orchestra, designed for grades 4-7 children, is an IMM computer tutorial designed with the authoring tool Macromedia Director 4.0. The objectives of this study were to determine the reliability of the Vee, to determine the comparative effects of two types of uses of the Vee, and to determine the comparative effects of two groups of subjects who possessed music knowledge and who possessed little music knowledge on the knowledge outcomes from an IMM program. Sixty-two subjects participated in this research study. The sample of subjects, whose ages ranged from 18 to 45 years old, included full-time and part-time teachers and student teachers enrolled in scheduled university music education or technology education classes. This sample represented a diverse group of teachers and student teachers who either possessed some music or some technology knowledge, and also possessed an interest in exploring IMM computer tutorials. None of the subjects had prior experience with the Vee or The Orchestra program. The results indicate that subjects who used the Vee during their investigation scored significandy higher than subjects who used the Vee after their investigation of the IMM program. In terms of objective validity, the Vee may be used to evaluate knowledge outcomes from an IMM program with some caution. Subjects who possessed music knowledge think differently about music than subjects who possessed little music knowledge. Perhaps critically thinking about music is different than critically thinking musically. This suggests critical thinking in music and critical thinking about music are two disparate types of learning. Assessing knowledge outcomes from the Vee requires another form of representation besides written text format since subjects were asked to write about their reflections of the IMM program and were not reflecting musically.

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